What Was Found

  • The first part of the survey included questions that gathered information on each persons experience with homelessness. Any experience with homelessness could impact one’s perception. This part of the survey measures that impact. The second part of the survey measuresan individuals perception on homelessness. I then asked the people taking the survey to read A Jay, and lastly respond to the same questions as they did in the first part. This allowed me tomeausre their overall perception before and after they read A Jay’s story to see if it changed one’s perception.

  • There were 50 responses to my survey and they ranged from students in 7th grade to students in 12th grade.

    Key Findings: Before Reading A Jay’s Story

    1) No one that took my survey ever experienced homelessness themselves.

    2) Only 27.9% of the respondents said they have had a conversation with and gotten to know someone who is experiencing homelessness.

    3) 86% of respondents said that they have given money to an individual experiencing homelessness.

    4) Respondents reported that the conversations that their parents have had with them about homelessness are short, and not elaborate.

    5) Respondents agree that numerous factors can lead to an individual experiencing homelessness.

    6) 47.6% of the respondents reported having ignored/walking past an individual experiencing homelessness the last time they saw someone on the street.

    7) 88% of respondents believe that homelessness will not come to an end.

    Summary: The given responses lead me to say that the initial overall perception of individuals experiencing homelessness of this group of people is one of negativity. This perception is grounded in the belief that individuals experiencing homelessness are hopeless, helpless, and violent. It is clear that this is the resounding perception because many people reported not having ever had conversations with or about individuals experiencing homelessness.

    Key Findings: After Reading A. Jay Story

    1) The majority of people said the next time they walk past someone experiencing homelessness they are going to stop and have a conversation with them. No one reported that they are going to avoid an individual experiencing homelessness.

    2) 83.7% of respondents reported that next time they encounter an individual experiencing homelessness they are going to feel empathy.

    3) 51.2% of respondents reported that individuals experiencing homelessness have goals/aspirations.

    4) Respondents reported the story of A Jay to be deeply moving.

    Summary: The given responses lead me to say that the overall perception of individuals experiencing homelessness was impacted by A.Jay’s story. The responses that people gave after reading A. Jay’s story make it clear that this group of people are less fearful of individuals experiencing homelessness, and will be more likely to introduce themselves to and have a conversation with an individual experiencing homelessness.

Analytics of Some Questions After A.Jay’s Story was Read